If you want to maintain the value of your home and vehicles, getting rid of odors is the first step. STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA offers a free quote for odor removal that can get the smell out of anything with our odor elimination services. We have restoration professionals that are qualified to clean offensive odors from any home or car.
Odors naturally start occurring from cigarette and marijuana smokers in the house, to mold and mildew due to excess moisture. After years of having pets, their odors can even begin to take over a home. While people who are living with the smells every day might not notice them, the truth is that anyone who walks in notices right away. Some odors even get worse over time when they aren’t properly removed by a professional cleaning service.
While odors can be difficult to get rid of, it’s important to address them as soon as possible, especially if you’re in the market to move and sell your home or even if you plan on selling your car. Fabrics and wood can absorb smells over time making the smell difficult to get rid of, but experts say that a home can lose up to 30% of its value when it’s apparent that smokers live in the home. That can easily translate to thousands of dollars lost. Cars are much the same, they can lose up to $200 for every year of their age when driven by a smoker. While not as impactful as selling a home, a loss of hundreds of dollars can be avoided, simply by getting your car professionally cleaned.
Experts in Odor Removal Services
At STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA, we offer professional odor elimination for all situations. We use a proprietary blend of odor removal cleaning ingredients to effectively eliminate strong and pungent odors. We don’t use chemicals or air fresheners to cover up the smell. We hit the odor problem at its root where the odor originates: the molecular level.
Call for a free odor removal quote for your home, business, recreational vehicle, boat, or car. We can have most standard sized cars fully odor free in 90 minutes. Having an odor free home and car means you can sell when you want to without having to worry about losing money on your investments.