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Impacts of Mold & Fungi


There are many health and safety risks that are associated with Hoarding as a whole.  Mildew and fungus are just a couple that can be found amongst a long list of these. 

Hoarders often have a very difficult time throwing away or parting with food, even if it has gone bad. Spoiled food often sits on refrigerator, pantry shelves and throughout the home, along with plates or take out containers of half-eaten food that sit out for days, weeks, or even months.   This not only harbors mildew, fungus and bacterial growth, but causes the house to stink and can pose serious health risks. It also brings on the added risk when you factor in that it is an open dinner invitation to rodents looking a warm place to nest that also has a reliable food source.  For Over 25 Years We Have Met Life’s Clean Up Challenges with Compassion and Care. Every year Steri-Clean, Inc.® compassionately helps thousands of clients in their time of crises or need.  If you or someone you know could use our help, please call us, operators are standing by. (888) 577-7206 (800) 462-7337® Steri-Clean Inc.® Restoring Homes and Lives® #SteriClean #Hoarders #RestoringHomesAndLives 

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