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The Mental Impact of a Pandemic


The combination of fearing the unknown, unnecessary food and everyday necessity hoarding, and the fact that there is a lot of misinformation being circulated can potentially lead to poor sleep, irritable mood, vulnerability, and many anxiety-related behaviors for just the average person. Not to mention what this can do to individuals who are already struggling with mental health disorders, specifically ones characterized by psychosis and compulsions.

  • Excessive cleaning and washing can exacerbate the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  • Hoarding emergency items can exacerbate the symptoms of compulsive shoppingdisorder.

  • Fearmongering can potentially worsen psychotic episodes among individuals who are struggling with schizophrenia.

  • Becoming entrenched in the pandemonium on social media and the news outlets can worsen any type of anxiety disorder.

We need to take action to keep our fear and anxiety in check. We need to take care of others and ourselves. We need to enjoy life. We need to not only take care of our physical health but our mental health as well.

  • Stay in touch with friends and family, and don't be afraid to rely on others for emotional support.

  • Keep your mental health in check.

  • Be cautious of social media and news stories.

  • If you become sick and have to quarantine, engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading a book, doing a new art project, reaching out to friends on social media, watching a movie, learning a new language.

Steri-Clean, Inc.® is prepared nationwide to respond to any Coronavirus outbreak exposure. With over 25 years of experience, Steri-Clean, Inc.® has successfully worked with state and local governments, school districts, hospitals, commercial businesses and private citizens on disinfection and biohazard remediation following known and/or suspected pathogen exposures.

For Over 25 Years We Have Met Life’s Clean Up Challenges with Compassion and Care.

Every year Steri-Clean, Inc.® compassionately helps thousands of clients in their time of crises or need.

If you or someone you know could use our help, please call us, operators are standing by.

#SteriClean #Hoarders #RestoringHomesAndLives #CrimeScene #CrimeSceneCleanUp #CrimeSceneCleaning #Cleaning #OdorAbatement #BioHazard #BioHazardCleanUp #BioHazardCleaning #BioCleanUp #BioCleaning #BloodCleanUp #SuicideCleanUp #Homicide #HomicideCleanUp #Decomposition #Hoarded #Hoarder #Hoarding #Clutter #Intervention #Rodents #RodentCleanUp #SuperBug #AnimalWaste #HomelessEncampment #TearGas #PropertyRestoration #PropertyDamage #SmokeRemoval #BloodBornePathogenRemoval #Gross #GrossFilth #GrossFilthCleanUp #SharpsRemoval #OdorRemoval #OdorRemovalSpecialist #InfectionControl #Pandemic #BeInformed #HealthNews #Doctors #Mask #Gloves #Respirators #Goggles #Gowns #MedicalSupplies #PanicBuying #ToiletPaperCrisis #WorldHealthOrganization #CenterForDiseaseControl #WorldWidePandemic #CoronavirusPandemic


The #COVID19 (aka #Coronavirus ) has us all in fear. It has caused us to have anxiety, irrational thoughts/concerns, hoard food and everyday household items, etc. Can you imagine what this is doing to the individuals who are already struggling with mental health disorders, specifically ones characterized by psychosis and compulsions?

- Excessive cleaning and washing can exacerbate the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

- Hoarding emergency items can exacerbate the symptoms of compulsive shopping disorder.

- Fear mongering and talking about conspiracy theories can potentially worsen psychotic episodes among individuals who are struggling with schizophrenia.

- Becoming entrenched in the pandemonium on social media and the news outlets can worsen any type of anxiety disorder.

We need to take action to keep our fear and anxiety in check. We need to take care of others and ourselves. We need to enjoy life. We need to listen to our doctors and global health organizations. We need to not only take care of our physical health but our mental health as well.

- Stay in touch with friends and family, and don't be afraid to rely on others for emotional support.

- Try not to make assumptions.

- Follow reputable sources about the outbreak.

- Keep your mental health in check.

- Be cautious of social media and news stories.

- Talk to your children about this pandemic.

For Over 25 Years We Have Met Life’s Clean Up Challenges with Compassion and Care.

Every year Steri-Clean, Inc.® compassionately helps thousands of clients in their time of crises or need.

If you or someone you know could use our help, please call us, operators are standing by.

(888) 577-7206

(800) 462-7337®

Steri-Clean Inc.®

Restoring Homes and Lives®

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